About Institute




"Institute for Applied Geology and vodoinženjering" is a research and development institute as a separate organizational unit within the DOO "IPIN" Bijeljina, with certain rights and obligations in legal transactions within the DOO "IPIN" Bijeljina and in accordance with applicable regulations and the statute of the company Ltd. "IPIN "Bijeljina.

"Institute for Applied Geology and water engineering" was established by the founders and owners of Ltd. "IPIN" Bijeljina no. 10-09 / 05 15.09.2005.g. for the purpose of planning and realization of the strategic objectives of the company, directions and priorities of scientific and technological development.

By decision of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbian no. 06 / 6-040 / 050-5 / 05 03.01.2006.g. "Institute of Applied Geology and water engineering" Bijeljina is in the Book of the Register of research institutions under number 14.

The Institute employs a total of four PhDs in permanent employment and engineers of different profiles: mining, geological, technological and agricultural profession. Moreover Institute periodically engages about 25 experts from various fields outside of employment, and who are experts in the field of work of institute.

Scientific Council of the "Institute for Applied Geology and water engineering" Bijeljina are:

  • 1. Dr Vaso Novaković, red. prof. dipl. inž. geologije,
  • 2. Dr Miladin Gligorić, red. prof. dipl. inž. tehnologije i
  • 3. Dr Miomir Pavlović, red. prof. dipl. inž. tehnologije.

The Institute owns around 500 m2 of office, laboratory and exhibition premises.

The following laboratories operate within the Institute :

  • Hydrogeological laboratory for the protection and remediation of groundwater and geo-environment,
  • Laboratory for environment protection,
  • Laboratory for Geophysics, and
  • Laboratories for testing geomechanical parameters of soil.

Laboratories are equipped with adequate space, laboratory and field devices, measuring equipment, glassware and utensils for laboratory analyses and field measurements..

The Institute makes its own staff by various training which it organises independently or it executes them by study visits in the country and abroad. The last study visit was the visit of the "Geothermal international" company (UK), where the training for projecting and installation of geothermal systems and heat pumps was conducted. Apart from this, the Institute gives scholarships for students at the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade and one postgraduate student of technology who is employed in the Institute.

The Institute is subscribed to various foreign magazines from the country and abroad, among them:

       1. "Hydrogeology journal" (the magazine of International Association of Hydrogeologists - IAH),

       2. "Voda" /water/ (the magazine of Jugoslav Association for water protection from Belgrade),

       3. "Tehnika" /technics/ (the magazine of the Association of engineers and technicians of Serbia),

       4. Water research and management (Journal of Serbian water pollution control society),

Employees regularly attend and publish their papers at domestic and international conferences from which Proceedings are joined to collection of scientific and informative documentation of the institute, which already has more than 1000 titles. Also in this collection there are different expert books, monographs, projects, studies, elaborates, programs, etc. The collection of maps that institute has in this documentation is significant of which the most important are geological maps of country and the world in adequate scales of which we highlight the 1:5000000, 1:100000, topographic maps of 1:25000 and geodetic situational maps of 1:5000, 1:2500 and 1:1000 scales.

Head of Institute

PhD Vaso Novaković, geologist

